Index of Cartographic Images
illustrating maps from the Ancient Period:
6,200 B.C. to 400 A.D.

Below are listed the cartographic images in my collection. Each of these items currently have links to the associated image and/or monograph web pages. If you see a map that you would like to view, simply click on that underlined number. If there are maps that you would like to see but do not currently have links to them, simply e-mail your request to and I will e-mail the page(s) directly to you ASAP.

Time Chart of Ancient Cartography

Slide # Title: Cartographer: Date:
100* Town Plan from Catal Hyük (redrawing) James Mellaart Modern (6200 B.C.)
100A Town Plan from Catal Hyük unknown 6200 B.C.
100B Town Plan from Catal Hyük unknown 6200 B.C.
100C Town Plan from Catal Hyük unknown 6200 B.C.
100D Clay tablet from Ga-Sur unknown 2300 B.C.
100D1 Clay tablet from Ga-Sur unknown 2,500 B.C.
100E Clay tablet from Ga-Sur unknown (2,500 B.C.)
100F Clay tablet from Ga-Sur unknown (2,500 B.C.)
101 Mesopotamian City Plan, Nippur unknown 1500 BC
102 Turin Papyrus unknown 1300 B.C.
102A Turin Papyrus (interpretive drawing) unknown modern (1300 B.C.)
103 Babylonian clay tablet, 600 B.C. unknown 600 B.C.
103* Babylonian clay tablet, world map unknown 600 B.C.
103A Babylonian clay tablet, Imago Mundi symbol unknown modern (600 B.C.)
103A Babylonian clay tablet, Imago Mundi symbol unknown (600 B.C.)
103B Babylonian clay tablet, constellations unknown modern
104 Time Chart of Ancient Cartography Erwin Raisz modern
105 Reconstruction of Homer's view of the earth (Homer) modern (900 B.C.)
105A Reconstruction of Homer's view of the earth (Homer) modern (900 B.C.)
105B Reconstruction of Homer's Achille's Shield (Homer) modern (900 B.C.)
106A Reconstruction of the Frame of the Greek world

(Homer, Anaximander and Hecataeus)

106B Frame of the Greek world (generic) modern
106C Greek View of the World (Reinaud) modern
106D Four Frames of the Greek world (Homer, Hecateus, Eratosthenes, Ptolemy) modern
107 Reconstruction of the World (Anaximenes of Miletus) modern (6th century B.C.)
108 Reconstruction of the World (Hecataeus) modern (6th century B.C.)
108A Reconstruction of the World (Hecataeus) modern (6th century B.C.)
108B Reconstruction of the World (Hecataeus) (6th century B.C.)
109 Reconstruction of the World (Herodotus) modern (ca. 450 B.C.)
109A Reconstruction of the World (Herodotus) modern (ca. 450 B.C.)
109B Reconstruction of the World (Herodotus) modern (ca. 450 B.C.)
109C Reconstruction of the World (Herodotus) (ca. 450 B.C.)
110 Reconstruction of the Ephorus' Parallelogram (Ephorus) modern (ca. 350 B.C.)
110A Reconstruction of the Ephorus' Parallelogram (Ephorus) modern (ca. 350 B.C.)
111 Reconstruction of the World map (Dicaearchus of Messana) modern (300 B.C.)
111 Reconstruction of the World map a (Dicaearchus of Messana) modern (300 B.C.)
112 Reconstruction of the World map (Eratosthenes of Cyrene) moderrn (194 B.C.)
112A Reconstruction of the World map (Eratosthenes of Cyrene) moderrn (194 B.C.)
112B Eratosthenes' measurement of the earth (Eratosthenes of Cyrene) modern (194 B.C.)
113 Reconstruction of the Crate's Globe (Crates of Mallos) modern (180-150 B.C.)
113A Reconstruction of the Crate's Globe (Crates of Mallos) (180-150 B.C.)
113B Reconstruction of the Crate's Globe (Crates of Mallos) (180-150 B.C.)
114 Reconstruction of the World map (Posidonius) 1630 (150-130 B.C.)
115 Reconstruction of the World map (Strabo) modern (18 A.D.)
115A Reconstruction of the World map (Strabo) modern (18 A.D.)
115B Reconstruction of the World map (Strabo) (18 A.D.)
116 Reconstruction of the World map (Pomponius Mela) modern (ca. 40 A.D.)
116 Reconstruction of the World map (Pomponius Mela) (ca. 40 A.D.)
116A Reconstruction of the World map (Pomponius Mela) (ca. 40 A.D.)
116B Reconstruction of the World map Petrus Bertius 1628 (ca, 40 A.D.)
116B1 Reconstruction of the World map Petrus Bertius 1628
117 Reconstruction of the World map (DionysiusPeriegetes) modern (124 A.D.)
117A Reconstruction of the World map a (Dionysius Periegetes) (124 A.D.)
117B Reconstruction of the World map Dionysius Periegetes (124 A.D.)
117B1 World map according to Dionysius Dionysius Periegetes (124 A.D.)
118 Reconstruction of the Orbis Terrarum (Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa) modern (20 A.D.)
118.1 Roman fresco globe unknown 50 A.D.
119 Ptolemaic world map Johan Scotus 1505
119 Ptolemaic world map unknown 12/13th century
119A Ptolemaic world map in the Liber Chronicarum Hartmann Schedel 1493
119A1 Ptolemy on Waldseemüller's 1507 map Martin Waldseemüller 1507
119B* Ptolemaic world map in the Liber Chronicarum Hartmann Schedel 1493
119C Ptolemy's conic projection (Ptolemy) modern
119C1 Ptolemy's conic projection (Ptolemy) (100 A.D.)
119D Ptolemaic world map Agathodaemon 13th century
119D1 Ptolemaic world map Agathodaemon 13th century
119E Ptolemaic Western Europe Lienhart Holle (Claudius Ptolemy)
119F Ptolemy's regional divisions (Ptolemy) modern
119F1 Ptolemy's Instructions (Ptolemy) (100 A.D.)
119G Ptolemy's modified spherical projection Girolamo Ruscelli 1561
119G Ptolemy's modified spherical projection modern
119G1 Ptolemy's modified spherical projection (Ptolemy) (100 A.D.)
119H Ptolemy's map superimposed on Mercator modern
119I Ptolemy's world map Ulm Edition 1482
119I1 Ptolemy's world map Ulm Edition 1482
119J Ptolemy regional map, Tabula Asia (Ptolemy)
120 Tabula Peutingeriana Castorius ? 100 A.D.
120A Tabula Peutingeriana Castorius ? 100 A.D.
120B Tabula Peutingeriana Abraham Ortelius 12th century MS/1598
120C Tabula Peutingeriana Abraham Ortelius 12th century MS/1598
120D Tabula Peutingeriana: Greece, Crete, Turkey Abraham Ortelius 12th century MS/1598
120E Tabula Peutingeriana: Arabia Abraham Ortelius 12th century MS/1598
120F Tabula Peutingeriana: Greece, Crete unknown
120G Tabula Peutingeriana: Rhodes Abraham Ortelius 12th century MS/1598
120H Tabula Peutingeriana: Palestine Abraham Ortelius 12th century MS/1598
120I Tabula Peutingeriana: Mesopotamia Abraham Ortelius 12th century MS/1598
120J Tabula Peutingeriana: Cyprus, Syria Abraham Ortelius 12th century MS/1598
120K Tabula Peutingeriana: Rome Abraham Ortelius 12th century MS/1598
120L Tabula Peutingeriana: Taprobana, Asia Abraham Ortelius 12th century MS/1598
121 Madaba Mosaic Map: Palestine unknown ca. 565 A.D.
121A Madaba Mosaic: Jerusalem unknown ca. 565


Last updated 22 April 1998

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